Modern warfare call of duty 2 xbox 360 prestige edition
Modern warfare call of duty 2 xbox 360 prestige edition

However, my best guess (and I’m rarely wrong) is that it is the radar jammer. This is the most questioned perk in the video game…until now! It is obvious to me that IW used a third party program to blur this in the video before they compiled it and released it to the public. In case your math skills aren’t too hot, it gives you a nice message if you are winning or losing. Pretty much the same as MW:1.Ĭlose up on score area. – Ammo count, D-Pad layout, and a compass bottom right.Ĭlose up on mini-map. So this is how your screen will look while playing. Should give you a few extra seconds to fire away. Well then just go ahead and release your flares. …but I just got my death machine! I don’t want to be shot down yet. Hear a firing tone, and get rid of that pesky death machine…Īlso, please take note as it may not be obvious to everyone that this map is located in Rio de Janeiro. Lets just speculate that you have between 20 and 30 seconds of firing time in the AC-130. I think I saw a 0:21 before I was able to take a good clean shot of this. This count down can be taken as the amount of time you have to be in the plane. Thanks goes out to ZEROBLACKOUT for tipping me on the timer at the bottom of the aiming screen.

modern warfare call of duty 2 xbox 360 prestige edition

Nice little red boxes outline targets so even the 7 year olds (who should be reading a book, not playing this) can destroy the other team. This is the screen you have for shooting people. People can stop sending me private messages now. This is the computer you use to call in the AC-130. There are 15 slots, and as you can see by this picture, when you unlock the AC130 kill streak reward, after 11 kills you are able to sit and gun in the plane. This is a loading screen where it looks like you are able to unlock kill streak rewards. This thread contains the following sections:

Modern warfare call of duty 2 xbox 360 prestige edition