It made a single appearance in the 1981 sequel, Friday the 13th Part 2.The actual name of the animal is unknown. Too bad it never was seen in theaters as it was originally intended. Muffin is a fictional animal character featured in the Friday the 13th film series. Although this time the poster art showed an adult Jason emerging from Crystal Lake. Ultimately, the final poster (Style B) was embraced by fans, but the original I Love New York poster was a genius use of New York marketing made to sell the latest Friday The 13th film. The original poster design for Friday The 13th Part 2 had a similar look and feel to the first films poster, even showing off the the original films shocking ending with Jason jumping out of the lake to get Alice in the canoe. The New York City Counsel and it's Boards Of Tourism threatened to sue Paramount for the use of the "I Love New York" phrase and symbol which subsequently forced Paramount to create a third one-sheet that became the final marketing image (Far Bottom Poster) for theatrical display. However, that was only the first obstacle for the poster for Jason Takes Manhattan. The franchise mainly focuses on the fictional character Jason Voorhees, who was thought to have drowned as a boy at Camp Crystal Lake. The new poster (Lower Right) began to circulate across the country as the film’s July 28th release date loomed. Friday the 13th is an American horror franchise that comprises twelve slasher films, a television series, novels, comic books, video games, and tiein merchandise. This forced Paramount Pictures to resubmit a new, “bloodless” version of the poster, which was approved by the MPAA.

The film’s original one-sheet (Lower Left) was initially rejected by the organization’s Advertising Administration due to its depiction of Jason tearing through the famous “I Love New York” logo with a bloody knife and hockey mask. Such was the case with Friday The 13th Part 8: Jason Takes Manhattan in 1989. One area of censorship that our readers may not know about is that the MPAA can also dictate what is deemed appropriate for advertising a film as well.
#Friday the 13th part 1 movie poster full#
What became of Muffin following the death of her owner is unknown.Friday The 13th fans have known for decades that the MPAA has never liked the existence of the Friday The 13th film franchise, and as such, is typically much more brutal on forcing cuts to the films in order to secure an R Rating from the board before film distribution. Scream Factory has unleashed the full list of bonus features that will be included in their Friday the 13th Collection (Deluxe Edition) set, to be released on October 13, 2020. Muffin turned up later, alive and well, at the cabin of Terry's co-worker, Ginny Field. Unfortunately for her, what she found instead was Jason Voorhees, who murdered her and brought her back to his cabin in the woods. That evening, while the other counselors took off for one last night of fun before the work season, Terry elected to stay behind to look for Muffin. They decided to keep the information to themselves. They weren't sure if it was Muffin or not, but were concerned about telling Terry. High resolution official theatrical movie poster (1 of 2) for Friday the 13th Part VIII (1989). Two other counselors, Jeff and Sandra went exploring over by Crystal Lake and found the massacred remains of a dog.
#Friday the 13th part 1 movie poster serial#
While walking through the woods, Muffin came upon legendary serial killer Jason Voorhees.

Ultimately, Muffin took off and went missing. Another counselor named Scott, who had a crush on Terry, tried to get in her good graces by "dancing" with Muffin as a segue towards putting the moves on Terry, but she shot him down. We’re your movie poster source for new releases and vintage movie posters. Buy Friday the 13th, Part 6: Jason Lives movie posters from Movie Poster Shop. Despite warnings of being in bear country, Terry let Muffin walk about on her own without a leash. Friday the 13th, Part 6: Jason Lives posters for sale online. In 1984, Terry went to work for Paul Holt at Packanack Lodge, which was adjacent to the more infamous Camp Crystal Lake. Muffin is a Shih Tzu that belonged to a camp counselor named Terry. The original poster design for Friday The 13th Part 2 had a similar look and feel to the first film's poster, even showing off the the original film's shocking ending with Jason jumping out of the lake to get Alice in the canoe.
The actual name of the animal is unknown. It made a single appearance in the 1981 sequel, Friday the 13th Part 2. Muffin is a fictional animal character featured in the Friday the 13th film series.